All content about this years conference has been updated. Thank you for your patience.
In order to plan the Saturday afternoon activities, please do this nifty simple little poll for us to see number. Thank you.
For LDS Single adults ages 31+
All content about this years conference has been updated. Thank you for your patience.
In order to plan the Saturday afternoon activities, please do this nifty simple little poll for us to see number. Thank you.
Come join us for a fun afternoon with great company and some hotdogs.
Please bring a roasting stick and a folding chair and some friends. We’ll provide the refreshments!
Don’t forget!
August 27th
6:00 to 9:00 pm
Bebo Grove in Fish creek Park (same side as Shannon Terrace)
Bring a friend
Also bring a snack , salad or dessert to share that would be great. Someone is already bring some s’mores.
On August 21st at 7 PM we will be holding a fireside in the chapel at 935 Heritage Drive SW.
Chris Forsyth will be the speaker and he will be discussing the historical background to some of the bible scriptures we have been studying in Come Follow Me this year.
Snacks will follow the discussion.
DO YOU own a cowboy(girl) hat?
how about cowboy(girl) boots?
How about, do you own clothes! If you do, we welcome everyone to come join us at our Stampede Dance hosted by the Calgary Regional Single Adult’s committee (Single’s 31 to 100).
Come one, come all!
We will have a dessert (or snacks) potluck! You may bring a dessert of your choice, to share!
When: Saturday July 16th
Time: 7:00pm
Where: Heritage Drive LDS Building (935 Heritage Drive SW)
What: potluck dessert (or snacks) to share
Clothing: Western Themed attire
We’ll have a guest dj and let me tell you, he’s out of this world!
Please bring all your single friends (31 +)
do you enjoy being “artsy”?
do you enjoy the fine art of clay making?
Maybe a little dramatic, I am… but we’re not actually firing you! These beautiful clay pottery works of art will be however, after your delicate yet, artistic touch, decorates them with such finesse!Ok, here are the details:
Date: Saturday, June 11th, 2022
Time: 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Location: Heritage Drive Chapel
Activity: painting clay pots/decorations, which will be heated (at a later date) inside KILNS!
INSTRUCTIONS: you must register first at the email address below, then, you must select one item from the three groups listed in the comment section. Each group is labeled “A”, “B”, or “C”. Each group has a numbered item. After you’ve sent an email to registered come to one of the pictures posted in the comment section and under that “group”, write the number you’ve selected. For example, if I like the firefly in group “C”, then I’ll go to the third picture and in the comments I’ll write “3 (firefly)”I hope that makes since! This activity is sure to bring out the best artsy side of anyone even if you’re not artsy at all! Since we need exact numbers and the cost is about $20/person (which cost will be COVERED by the Regional SA committee’s fund), we need everyone to register via email at ([email protected]) ONLY if you’re sure coming!!!Also, provide the number of people you’re inviting and who will for sure come as well! Numbers are limited so, register ASAPNOTE: I’ll post some of the items which will be available for you as instructed above! Tell all your friends and let’s have a fantastic start of the summer. Any questions, please send them via text at 403-797-4148
Hope to see you all there!
On May 22nd at 7 PM there will be a devotional. It will be in the chapel at 935 Heritage Drive SW.
The speaker will be President Mark Hinman from the Bow River Stake Presidency.
His topic will be Exaltation, every blessing is available to all.
And yes there will be snacks after and time to socialize.
There will be a fireside on Sunday February 20th at 7 PM in the chapel at 935 Heritage Drive SW.
The topic is: Death and how we can prepare to see this as a beginning to something more beauty and unique.
The speaker is: Michael Pierson – Director and General Manager of Pierson’s Funeral Homes.
Zoom Link:
January 16th at 7 PM we are having a Fireside at 935 Heritage Drive SW.Calgary
Alberta Mission Presidency 1st councilor Randy Vermeeren and his wife Leslie Vermeeren will be speaking.
That weekend is forecast to be warm so it might be a great day to come out to this fires.
We also have activities being planned for February and March – Stay Tuned.
We will be broadcasting this VIA Zoom for those who prefer to view it online.
Topic: Calgary Regional SA Fireside
Time: Jan 16, 2022 07:00 PM Edmonton
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 971 3211 1039
Passcode: 248045
There will be no Fireside in December. We tried to find a speaker but every person that was contacted was too busy.
But we already have a speaker picked for the January Fireside.
On Saturday December 11th at 2 PM we are meeting in Shannon Terrace which is part of fish creek. The location is in the SOUTHWEST part of Calgary.
There is lots of parking and we will have a fire. You should be able to find us on the opposite side of the buildings which I think are near the parking lot.
Any children of Single Adults are welcome to come with their parent.
Please consider bringing a ‘white elephant gift’ for all those that have done that before. That will help put people in the CHRISTMAS giving spirit.
There will be Hot Chocolate and snacks. No guarantee but maybe including donuts.
People have been assigned to ensure we have firewood to burn so there will be a fire.
On Saturday November 20th there will be a Single Adult Retreat. To be held at Bow Valley church in the chapel. The address is 2526 24 Ave NW, Calgary, AB T2N 4H9.
10 a.m. – 11 a.m. First Class Brent Thomas POWER OF COVENANTS
11:15 – 12:15 a.m. Second Class Jamelyn and Jarad Stephan. Stop Hitting Yourself – Learn how to permanently ditch the stories that are beating you up
LUNCH 12:15 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Bagged Lunches will be provided and will meet COVID restrictions. Options will be available for those that have allergies or special diets.
*** Lunches are being provided by ***
1:10 p.m. – 2:15p.m. 3rd class Victoria Hoffman, RESOLVING THE SPIRITUAL AND PHYSICAL CONFLICT OF SELF. (Accessing the innate ability of choice and awareness).
2:30 p.m. – 3:15 4th Class, with Mark Bishop FAITH NOT FEAR.
Autobiography for Victoria Hoffman:
Victoria Hoffman has been coaching individuals for 12 years to resolve the conflict between the physical and spiritual self, to build a unified relationship and solid foundation, to live more fully in the present and access the innate power of choice we all have. Individuals find that hope and healing is not only possible, but that it is truly life-transforming!
Victoria Hoffman is an expert in the field of wellness and is sought after for her advice, counsel, and light for some of life’s most difficult challenges. She has been coaching in person and virtually for 12 years to help people resolve the conflict between the physical and spiritual self, to build a unified relationship, solid foundation, to live more fully in the present and access the innate power of choice we all have.
Individuals find that hope and healing is not only possible, but that it is truly life-transforming!
She has worked with individuals, trauma programs, doctors, hospitals, an empowerment agency, schools, and churches and loves helping people discover their own Resolve Within.Victoria worked in the traditional medical field for over 20 years until the death of her son. Searching for answers and healing when traditional therapies didn’t work, she met a doctor that asked her a question that turned her life around. She found answers, healing, herself, and a solid relationship with God.
Victoria is now sharing her knowledge and expertise and helping people discover their own “Resolve Within”