
August Virtual Fireside

Topic: the importance of temples in the lives of single adults in Calgary (particularly single sisters). Speakers: Brother and Sister Swendsen - Temple President and Matron. Join Zoom Meeting     https://zoom.us/j/9246925012 Meeting ID: 924 692 5012


Patriarch Gedlaman from the Calgary Stake will be speaking on Patriarchal Blessings. It will be a great fireside.  The link to join the fireside is: Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/96249014337?pwd=WjdQaVJMN1ptYUZwaGMzZWk1QkI4UT09 Meeting ID: 962 4901 4337 If you want to join by PHONE that is also an option: Dial by your location…

Fireside – CANCELLED

This will be done via ZOOM software and the link will be posted close to the event date. The speaker will be Mark Bishop. The topic will be added as soon as it is available. We are working on a Fireside for December 14th.

December Fireside

On Sunday December 13th at 7 PM we will be having a fireside.  The speaker will be Nancy Clayden and the topic will be Hope for the Holidays. It sounds like the kind of topic we all need to hear these days. Please advise friends in your ward and stake…

Singles Fireside

The fireside will start at 7 PM via ZOOM. Mark Bishop and Stephenie Myer will be speaking on the topic of "Shout for Joy". Zoom Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/93760709533 . . Or join by calling 587-328-1099 And enter meeting id - 93760709533

Singles Fireside – Cancelled

We did not find a speaker in time.   Sunday February 21st at 7 PM via ZOOM.  The link will be added closer to that date. We do not yet have the speaker or the topic.

Regional Singles Fireside – Cancelled

This fireside has been cancelled. This will be a Zoom based fireside and it will start at 7 PM. Christ Zubel will be the speaker The last time Chris spoke to us the topic was "Secret Combinations" - I think. The zoom link will be posted as soon as possible.

Special Invitation Singles Fireside

Willow Park 940 Acadia Drive SE, Calgary, Alberta

This fireside is a Bow River Singles fireside but all singles are allowed to attend. Members of that stake may attend in person. All others and all those wanting to stay safe may participate via Zoom. It is being held at Willow Park Chapel at 7 PM. There will be…

Singles Fireside

Suzanne Truba will be our speaker and she will be discussing "Women in the scriptures". Here is the ZOOM Link: https://zoom.us/j/93467201150?pwd=Tm1DYXJ1S25mTDZkYlE0UTFJV0g1UT09

Single Adult Fireside

Speakers: Brother Courtney Brown and Sister Laurel Brown, He is the Fish Creek Stake Patriarch Topic: Attaining promised blessings from the Lord, including those promised in our patriarchal blessings. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99617060611?pwd=dVJNdTBTNU5ZMlBidVZTNFZnRkJZUT09 Meeting ID: 996 1706 0611 Passcode: 260650