do you enjoy being “artsy”?
do you enjoy the fine art of clay making?
Maybe a little dramatic, I am… but we’re not actually firing you! These beautiful clay pottery works of art will be however, after your delicate yet, artistic touch, decorates them with such finesse!Ok, here are the details:
Date: Saturday, June 11th, 2022
Time: 1:00PM to 4:00PM
Location: Heritage Drive Chapel
Activity: painting clay pots/decorations, which will be heated (at a later date) inside KILNS!
INSTRUCTIONS: you must register first at the email address below, then, you must select one item from the three groups listed in the comment section. Each group is labeled “A”, “B”, or “C”. Each group has a numbered item. After you’ve sent an email to registered come to one of the pictures posted in the comment section and under that “group”, write the number you’ve selected. For example, if I like the firefly in group “C”, then I’ll go to the third picture and in the comments I’ll write “3 (firefly)”I hope that makes since! This activity is sure to bring out the best artsy side of anyone even if you’re not artsy at all! Since we need exact numbers and the cost is about $20/person (which cost will be COVERED by the Regional SA committee’s fund), we need everyone to register via email at ([email protected]) ONLY if you’re sure coming!!!Also, provide the number of people you’re inviting and who will for sure come as well! Numbers are limited so, register ASAPNOTE: I’ll post some of the items which will be available for you as instructed above! Tell all your friends and let’s have a fantastic start of the summer. Any questions, please send them via text at 403-797-4148
Hope to see you all there!