We can participate in two separate firesides this month.
March 21st at 7 PM there will be a Zoom based fireside.
The speaker will be Chris Zubel. Once we have the link it will be added here.
March 28th at 7 PM everyone is invited to a Bow River Stake Singles fireside. People in that stake can attend in person at Willow Park Chapel.
People from other stakes and anyone wanted to be extra safe can participate via ZOOM. At the end of the fireside there will be a Question and Answer period. People in Zoom can click CHAT and type there questions.
The ZOOM link for March 28th is: https://zoom.us/j/93801714661?pwd=WFpCc2RtamF3S21HQXgrMEVydE9zQT09
The passcode is BowRiver.